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EFS Personal Trainer - individual session $80 per appointment From $74 per visit with EFS Personal Trainer - 12 sessions pass

Individual personal training session

EFS Personal training - shared session $45 per appointment From $45 per visit with EFS Personal Trainer - shared session pass

Shared personal training session with an EFS Trainer.

Master Trainer - individual session $100 per appointment From $94 per visit with Master Trainer - 12 sessions pass

Individual personal training session with Michael Hogue, CCS

Master Trainer - shared session $55 per appointment From $55 per visit with Master Trainer - shared session pass

Shared personal training session by 2 clients with Michael Hogue, CCS.


Progressive Conditioning Class $25 per class From $25 per visit with EFS Classes - 4 visits pass Purchase required to enroll

The Progressive Conditioning Class challenges participants both physically and mentally through a variety of intense exercises targeting the entire body. Workouts provide strengthening and endurance by emphasizing pace and frequency of exercise sequences and time under tension.